Serenity House
Nestled quietly in the Green Mountains, Serenity House provides residential treatment services to Vermonters suffering from Substance Use Disorders. Serenity House provides both detoxification and treatment services.
Serenity House’s Licensed and Certified Substance Use Disorder counselors provide each client with a thorough assessment and assist clients in developing an individualized treatment plan.
This treatment plan helps the client lay the groundwork for the establishment and maintenance of a substance free lifestyle. Serenity House provides Best Practice, Evidence Based, treatment including individual and group counseling, motivational interviewing, care coordination, cognitive behavioral techniques and community support groups.

“Serenity House was instrumental in setting me on the right track. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity and that I took it very seriously. I have genuinely warm feelings when I think of my stay."
“All of the staff at Serenity House are compassionate people who really understand the disease of addiction.”
"It provided me a safe haven. I was nervous about leaving. The staff treated me very respectfully."
“Serenity House really made a difference in my life. Now I have the tools and the know how to keep my life on track.”