Public Inebriate Program
Recovery House operates the Public Inebriate Program for Vermont’s Rutland and Addison counties. In this program, we offer a safe bed to those who interact with law enforcement while intoxicated.
Everyone will be screened and referred to either safe bed in-house, hospital if needing medical care, or the local jail if we are unable to provide such service.
During their time, we discuss possible available treatment and provide referral if desired.

“Serenity House was instrumental in setting me on the right track. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity and that I took it very seriously. I have genuinely warm feelings when I think of my stay."
“All of the staff at Serenity House are compassionate people who really understand the disease of addiction.”
"It provided me a safe haven. I was nervous about leaving. The staff treated me very respectfully."
“Serenity House really made a difference in my life. Now I have the tools and the know how to keep my life on track.”